Fellows of UCT
UCT’s Council has established fellowships for members of permanent academic staff in recognition of original, distinguished academic work that merits special recognition.
Fellows | Life fellows | Sometime fellows |
Professor J Alexander Emeritus Professor MG Alexander Professor I Barashenkov Professor K Barnes Professor L-G Bekker Emeritus Professor SR Benatar Professor H Bhorat Professor NB Biekpe Professor J Blackburn Professor SA Bourne Emeritus Professor GM Branch Professor F Brombacher Professor W Burgers Emeritus Professor DS Butterworth Emeritus Professor MR Caira Professor K Chibale Emeritus Professor D Chidester Professor A Chinsamy-Turan Professor M Claeys Professor M Collins Emeritus Professor HM Corder Professor K Dheda Emeritus Professor CA Dominguez Emeritus Professor RE Dorrington Professor P Dunsby Emeritus Professor GFR Ellis Professor J Fagan Professor JM Farrant Professor AA Figaji Professor M Fleishman Professor L Gilson Emeritus Professor CL Griffiths Professor J Hambidge Professor S Harrison Professor B Hewitson Emeritus Professor J Higgins Emeritus Professor GD Hussey Professor N Illing Professor G Janelidze Professor M Jeebhay Professor R Kraan-Korteweg Professor EV Lambert Professor M Lambert Professor G Langdon Professor M Leibbrandt Professor NS Levitt Professor AE Lewis Professor C Lund Professor G Maartens Professor A Mainza Emeritus Professor M Meadows Professor EM Meintjes Professor G Meintjes Professor P Meissner Emeritus Professor RP Millar Professor V Mizrahi Professor H Mostert Professor T Moultrie Professor N Mulder Professor L Myer Emeritus Professor LR Nassimbeni Professor M Ntsekhe Professor N Ntusi Emeritus Professor GN Nurick Professor F Nyamnjoh Emeritus Professor CT O’Connor Professor C Orrell Professor A Pande Emeritus Professor JE Parkington Professor E Pieterse Professor S Prince Professor R Ramesar Professor C Reason Professor BD Reddy Emeritus Professor AL Rodgers Professor D Ross Professor F Ross Professor P Ryan Professor E Rybicki Distinguished Professor P-J Salazar Professor T Scriba Professor J Sealy Emeritus Professor CD Shearing Professor H Skokos Professor P Skotnes Professor K Sliwa-Hahnle Professor ML Solms Professor DJ Stein Professor E Sturrock Emeritus Professor LG Underhill Professor E van Steen Professor D van Zyl Smit Professor A-L Williamson Professor C Williamson Emeritus Professor R Wood Professor HJ Zar Professor P Zilla Professor A Zingoni Professor L Zühlke |
Professor E Bateman Professor RI Becker Professor PH Beighton Professor T Bennett Professor MC Berman Professor WJ Bond Professor PC Bornman Professor GCL Brummer Professor J Burchell Professor JM Coetzee Professor B Cooper Emeritus Professor JL Cornille Professor TM Crowe Professor S Cywes Professor D Dewar Emeritus Professor JW de Gruchy Professor W de Vos Professor JG Field Professor IJ Fiske Professor P Folb Professor W Gevers Professor Y Gitay Professor MJ Hall Professor KA Hardie Professor EH Harley Associate Professor R Hickman Professor C Himonga Associate Professor LC Isaacson Professor JUM Jarvis Professor RG Lass Professor JRE Lutjeharms Professor IN Marks Associate Professor DB McIntosh Professor JE Myers Professor WR Nasson Professor NS Ndebele Emeritus Professor TD Noakes Associate Professor T Rajna Professor BB Rawdon Professor P Reynolds Emeritus Professor S Richardson Emeritus Professor V Russell Professor H Ruther Professor WR Siegfried Professor AM Stephen Professor J Terblanche Professor JA Thomson Professor NJ van der Merwe Professor DR van der Westhuizen Professor CL Vaughan Professor CMML Villa Vicencio Professor D Visser Professor DJ Welsh Emeritus Professor EL Wilson Professor N Worden |
Associate Professor H Bradford Professor JS Davidson Professor MJ de Wit Dr HE Hinderks Professor JT Irving Professor DW Kurtz Dr C Merskey Dr CY Pauc Professor IR Phimister Professor DE Rawlings Professor FT Robb Dr DR Woods |
Information updated by:
Denise Benjamin
Office of the Registrar
Tel: +27 (0)21 650 2187
Updated: 10 March 2025