UCT is committed to supporting both students and staff to ensure they reach their potential. This includes providing access to resources, ongoing support and rewarding success.

For staff
Employment equity targets steer UCT towards a representative profile of institutional leadership and of academic and PASS staff at all levels.
To achieve this, UCT is:
- investing in the development of black, women and disabled academics and managers.
- attracting more black, women and disabled South African postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows to broaden the pool of potential future academics.
What we are doing for all staff:
- Developing and implementing a new employment equity plan with progressive targets.
- Monitoring all appointment processes through Employment Equity Representatives (EE Reps).
- Supporting strategic appointments through the Employment Equity Fund. Maximising the use of government initiatives such as the New Generation of Academics Programme (nGAP).
What we are doing for academic staff:
The Recruitment, Development and Retention Programme supports both young academics and mid-career academics, through the New Generation of Academics Programme (nGAP) and Next Generation Professoriate (NGP) programmes.
The EE Fund is being re-targeted to align more closely with the EE Plan.
The Research Office is working to:
- increase the visibility of marginalised researchers
- help researchers to access funding/grants
- target donor funding
- fund postgraduate students
- support targeted research programmes.
What we are doing for PASS staff:
UCT supports career development of PASS staff. See the staff learning and development resource guide.